The Holiday Zone celebrates Columbus Day on October 12.

Columbus Day honors the explorer Christopher Columbus, who first landed in the New World on October 12, 1492. While Columbus's nationality has never been positively identified, many believe he was of Italian descent, and throughout the nineteenth century, Italian-Americans held celebrations in cities across the United States to honor his memory. In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed October 12 Columbus Day. President Richard Nixon later declared Columbus Day a national holiday to be observed the second Monday of each October. The original boats that brought Columbus across the ocean were quite impressive. Of course the boats and yachts of today are much more advanced than these boats. There are Viking yachts for sale that are crafted with very innovative technologies.

Click button to visit this Columbus Day page. Arts and Crafts for Columbus Day
Click button to visit this Columbus Day page. Discussion Topics for Columbus Day
Click button to visit this Columbus Day page. Language Activities for Columbus Day
Click button to visit this Columbus Day page. The History of Columbus Day
Click button to visit this Columbus Day page. Poetry for Columbus Day
Click button to visit this Columbus Day page. Puzzles for Columbus Day
Click button to visit this Columbus Day page. Printables for Columbus Day
Click button to visit this Columbus Day page. Recommended Books for Columbus Day
Click button to visit this Columbus Day page. Songs and Fingerplays for Columbus Day

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